Frequently Asked Questions


  1. How do we check whether a domain is spam free or not?
  2. Can I make a free domain? How i will understand that if i am making a domain name like anything and that would be a useful one?
  3. What are the worth of different categories and which category is valued most?
  4. How much investment a beginner should start with and what is average ROI?
  5. If I have .in Domain then Can it also rank better for any other country ?
  6. As a newbie shall I go for a Brand domain or a Geo domain?
  7. What is the worth of different extensions and which extension is majorly sold and valued the most?
  8. Are EMD domains best for doing affiliate marketing?
  9. What is meant by parking domain?
  10. How can I best monetize my parked domains? Is Affiliate Marketing the best option to do so or is there any other way? And if Affiiate Marketing is the best way, then what Affiliate Networks shall I join and setup on the website? I’m assuming the hosting will also be mine in this case
  11. From where I can search old domains?
  12. How to start as a Beginner ?
  13. What is the name of that software that releases dead domain ?
  14. Which is better option EMD or a Geo Keyword?
  15. How to check backlinks for EMD domains?
  16. how to identify whether a name is trademark or not?
  17. How we can research the domain name ?
  18. Is it possible to change the Domain name after buying it- I mean removing ‘the’ from
  19. If I buy a domain then is it necessary to create something in the domain before selling it?
  20. When we start a website or app, does the domain name also come in the budget of buissness?
  21. How can we do marketing of our domain apart from social media? Few examples please
  22. How can we identify the Premium domains?
  23. which category domain most valued.
  24. Why People go for Liquid domains as they are hard to remember (Probably)?
  25. What is “backlinks”?
  26. what is the difference between CTR and CPC?
  27. what is the difference between forecast and historical metrix?
  28. What can be the consequence if say someone registers FreshApple and parks it. The parking co shows ads on Apple products.
  29. What is the meaning of these indices like LE BL DP WBY in and which are the important ones to check for? And which filters are most important filters apart from no hyphen, and dictionary words?
  30. What are the criteria to choose good domain from
  31. What is the diff b/w .com and .in which is better ? Can I take .us?
  32. If there is a company that has registered some trademark in USA then can the same trademark be used by some other person in a different country? Are the Trademarks global or do we have register them individually in each country?
  33. geo + service or service + geo, which format would be better?
  34. Now when whois is not available, how easily can anyone come back to you with legal disputes?
  35. What is the best whois tool?
  36. What could be the resulting consequences in case someone registers FreshApple and parks it but the parking co shows ads on Apple products?
  37. How is Trademark associated to the Domains and what are the chances to lose Domain because of the Trademark Issue?
  38. After finding domain how we can analyse whether it is good or not ?
  39. What are the chances of legal disputes in case there is a spelling mistake in the domains? For instance freelancer is original – and if I own freelaancer then?
  40. Is it advisable to buy New gTLD ?
  41. What if some registrar suspend domains for some reason? what shall we do after that?
  42. How to transfer & Push the domain practically?
  43. What is “reverse auction”?
  44. In Afternic, what is Floor Price? What is the difference betweemn floor and minimum price…?
  45. There is a huge difference between godaddy appraisal and other appraisale should i decide in such scenario?
  46. Is it a good idea to register on these account with our original email address or should we use a business or ghost id’s
  47. If .Com, .Net is already sold and Domain name is good then should we buy, .IN? Is TradeMarkia a good option to check Trademark?
  48. How to know your domain is brandable?
  49. Is there any site where i can get discount coupon for godaddy checkout?
  50. what is the validity period of authorisation code that we obtain for transfer?
  51. What are the advantages of reverse auction?
  52. If my domain registrar is Epik and my landing page (name server) is directed to Dan and if I also list my domain on sedo, then how to add TXT record in my Epik account since my nameserver is directed to Dan ?
  53. If deal is done before the Lock in period, can we transfer the domain or not?
  54. Is parking and monetizing domain same ?
  55. What’s Lock in Period?
  56. After the recent acquisition of UNIREGISTRY by Godaddy, how does it affects the business around it?
  57. If i have a trademark of my company name (domain) then do I need to buy all TLD or all my TLD are safe?
  58. Platforms like Squadhelp do not state the reason behind rejection, which is usually due to your expected price being too high. Is there anyway to get around this hurdle?
  59. Did you use any tool to set-up landing page ? Did you connect domain with the hosting ?
  60. There are two pending delete option in expireddomains one in deleted domain and second in marketplace domain. what is the difference between both of them?
  61. While choosing a domain for a new start up , what factors are important for consideration?
  62. What is name Liquidity?
  63. What are some good domain parking platform? Does pay for domain parking?
  64. I have been doing outbound alone and making $1500 minimum each month.. is it good to hire few people for doing outbound at this stage? and how to manage email accounts, shall we use free email providers or custom emails are good?
  65. If .com, .net, .in all are available for a name then, does this ensure that it is not a trademarked one?
  66. Can you throw light on trademark class disctinctions?
  67. Jio is haveing mobile call LYF, there is a TV channel call LifeOK – Jio launched LYF after LifeOK , why LifeOK did not sue Jio, and what would happen if we have LYFOK.COM?
  68. If someone buys an $$$$+ premium domain (related to a particular space) after checking all the necessary Trademarks etc and find none at the time of procuring. While you are holding the domain some other party creates a Trademark in the same particular space- does that curtail the future usage of your domain?
  69. What do you do in case your domain and email gets blocked?
  70. Which email is better for outbound scaling? free email providers like gmail, Hotmail etc or Custom emails?
  71. Please guide about difference between godaddy bids and offers.
  72. At what time we should send Emails to the UK Buyers?
  73. Best Platform to Park a Domain apart from GoDaddy, Sedo.?
  74. What are the important filters in expired domains?
  75. If you buy a premium $$$$+ domain, and while you are holding it and meanwhile someone trademarks the name. How will you manage a 5 figure plus sale on the same -as the customer would hesitate taking the transaction forward. Are you basically screwed ?
  76. If we want to build a website do we need to see PA, DA, and other parameters?
  77. Is it possible to earn regular money from Domaining? I want to continue it for full-time



  1. Which is the best place to pick up expired domains?
  2. Except for the backorder what is the fastest way to register a dropped domain?
  3. Is it worth registering 3-4 words EMD .com names?
  4. Can you provide guidelines on which domains to buy and which not?
  5. Google charges Penalty on EMD, is it advisable to buy?
  6. While making a purchase what shall we consider most-ticket size or business volume?
  7. What is the reason behind observed pricing difference between google domain site and go daady site?
  8. From where can we buy the domain at cheapest price?
  9. If we see the deleted domains in then can we get those from GoDaddy along with original regulation date?
  10. As you explained that Dictionary words are gems. What about domains which are dictionary words however, doesn’t seem to be suitable for any business like for Should we register such domains in case we get a chance? Also what about names which are not in actual dictionary however, have meaning present in “Urban Dictionary” ? Should we register them?
  11. Please suggest some technique which can help to convince buyer and motivate him to buy the domain like the Godaddy appraisals?
  12. Amongst all, which one is the best site to buy domains from Both Aftermarket / Auctions and those Hand Registered?
  13. Please guide about buying process of GoDaddy expired domains.
  14. What is the reason behind choosing EXPIRED domain preferably? What about the FRESH domains?
  15. Which is the best platform to park your domain?
  16. How can we find domains that has been sold before and now it is available?
  17. What should we check before buying a domain, Like spam score or anything like that?
  18. If a company is using both .com and .in and their .com domain has expired and they don’t have any trademark for that. Can we register that domain and approach them to sell?
  19. While buying a domain name what should be our first priority-Search Result or CPC?


  1. All the domains listed on Afernic, also show up in godaddy search?
  2. can we list all domains on 3 or 4 platforms all together .will it effect the dn
  3. How can we place a domain in Premium Network?
  4. On my Aftermarket listing I am getting a great number of monthly views but no offers- What should be my key learning and action for the same?


  1. While selling a domain, irrespective of the domain name type which option BIN or placing a bid has higher chances of getting a domain sold?
  2. What is the best platform for domain selling?
  3. How much difference does it make to place a domain on Afternic or Afternic Premium?
  4. How to bid on Aftermarket ?
  5. Can we place a specific domain for auction at multiple sites simultaneously?
  6. Where to sell and where to pitch the purchased domains?
  7. If we buy a domain today, in how many days I can transfer that domain to other person?
  8. Can we list our domains on multiple market places like Afternic & Sedo?
  9. How can I check my domain value. If I wish to sell?
  10. How to sell Domain to the buyer directly without listing on a website like Flippa?
  11. What is more profitable Single Word Domains or Multi Word domain like ?
  12. What is the significance of buying and how can these domains be identified that which one are good and can be sold?
  13. What is the best way to park domains and monetize them?
  14. How relaible are estibot and GoDaddy Appraisals in order to fix a sticker price for your domain?
  15. On which marketplace can I sell domain easily? and which marketplace listing can more beneficial?
  16. What are the techniques that can help in convincing the buyer or inspire the buyer to buy domain, Showing godaddy appraisal is one such nice example and what else can be done?
  17. Does Escrow charge extra for selling or it is free?
  18. On what parameters, does a domain becomes eligible for Fast Trasnfer?
  19. How to find buyers email for my domains except google and bing without paying any fee?
  20. Does Escrow take control of domain at any point?
  21. How to determine the pricing for selling one’s domain?
  22. Which is the best platform to sell Urban Dictionary name domains?
  23. What types of domains get sold easily?
  24. If a client has a great website on .org but he didn’t do seo on it due to which the value of his website value is not that high, in such cases can we offer him .com domain on high price based on website or buisness?
  25. In what way and how much can we earn from domain without selling domain?


  1. Does Email Address matter In outreaching an end user ? Like Vs ?
  2. How to outreach the Geo domain?
  3. While outbounding how to avoid landing your mail in spam?
  4. If after sending 1st follow-up mail we do not receive any reply then shall we send second follow up mail or exclude that potential buyer?
  5. Can we have deeper insights about the Virtual Assistant automation for Outbound?
  6. How do you pay VAs for outbound, I mean the range*?