WP Gutenberg and AMA on Promoting Blogs Workshop Pawan Kumar


• What we’ll do
Schedule :
– Talk on Gutenberg by Mr Varun Sharma
– AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Plugins Development with Mr Varun Sharma
– AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Promoting Blogs with Mr Pawan Kumar
– Tea / Coffee / Refreshments / Networking

• What it is all about…
For people who are still not aware of what Gutenberg is, let me tell you that Gutenberg is a take on a new editor for WordPress. It is named after Johannes Gutenberg, who invented a printing press with movable type more than 500 years ago.

Nothing is causing quite as much of an upheaval in the WordPress world as the Gutenberg editor. Revealed by Matt Mullenweg at WordCamp Europe 2017, the prospect of merging it into core for version 5.0 is causing quite a ruckus.

Not only will Gutenberg do away with the familiar TinyMCE content editor but also replace a whole bunch of other modules in the WordPress backend.

The new editor is already available as a plugin along with a call to install it and provide feedback. By now more than 46,000 people have followed the call and the Gutenberg editor review count has gone up sharply.

• Who should attend?
If you are a developer who creates websites and provides ongoing support for customers who create their own content, then this meetup is for you!

• About Speaker
Mr. Varun Sharma is the Founder & CEO at Tech Banker – A Premium WordPress Plugin Development Firm based out of Chandigarh. Varun was speaker at WordCamp Delhi 2017, WordCamp Nashik 2017 and WordCamp Kuala Lampur 2017.

We are thankful to Varun for accepting our request to come to Delhi as a guest speaker of this meetup of WP Delhi NCR meetup group.

• What to bring

• Important to know


December 16


03:30 pm - 07:30 pm

Event Category:

Event Calendar, Meetups


Pawan Kumar

Email: [email protected]

Startup Cafe Academy

FD-1, First Floor Next to Pitampura Metro Station · Pitampura

Delhi, India